My purpose

To learn.
It really is that simple. My lifelong purpose is to learn as much as I can from others, especially those with experience.
I am always looking to grow as a .

Education and Experience

  • Education

    The University of Toledo, Junior
    3.97 / 4
    Expected Graduation Date
    June 2026
    Data Structures, Algorithims, Database Driven Websites, Object-Oriented Programming, Organic Chemistry ( lol )

  • Code

    Python, Swift, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Java
    Frameworks and Libraries
    ReactJS, NodeJS, FastAPI, OAuth 2.0, Alembic, MLKit
    Tools and Databases
    Git/GitHub, XCode, Visual Studio Code, Postman, PostgreSQL, MongoDB

  • Experience

    May 2024 - August 2024
    Enterprise Apps Intern @ Welltower (NYSE:WELL)
    IT Project Management
    June 2024 - present
    Headstarter AI
    Software Engineering Fellow


An app for recieving immediate critical care instructions for injured animals. The user can take or upload a photo of the injured animal and instructions will appear on screen. The app utilizes MobileNetV2 and OpenAI for image classification and querying.

Ahmed Amrou

GreenPages API

An API developed in FastAPI, a Python framework, for personal data retreival from a local database. Intended for use on a WhitePages-like application. Utilizes Pydantic models, SQLalchemy (object relational model), and Oauth2.0 standards for create, update, and delete requests.

Ahmed Amrou